Mindarie Supports Kids Mental Health
A pod of wildly colourful dolphins have swum into town as part of a vibrant public art trial. They are here to raise awareness of child and adolescent mental health and come with three clear messages.
1. You are not alone.
2. It’s OK to talk about your feelings and concerns.
3. Real help is available.
Mindarie Primary School has been participating in The Big Splash Program, which has been developed in response to the alarming increase in the number of children and young people presenting to Emergency Departments with self harm and attempted suicide – a 400% increase in the last five years.
The program helps teachers and parents navigate the topic of mental health and wellbeing with their students and children. With a focus on building resilience, the program teaches children to recognise their emotions and develop essential coping strategies.
For more information, visit the bigsplashwa.com.au website.