School Nurse

A trained Community Nurse visits the school regularly to carry out routine medical checks. Parents are advised if a child appears to require attention and parents can also initiate checks for their children. In some cases teachers may refer a child to the nurse.


Vision and hearing health appraisal. The health appraisal includes measurement of height and weight. There will also be a general physical assessment (eg. checking skin, hair, teeth etc). Posture, gait and coordination will also be observed. A health appraisal enables any issues to be identified, therefore allowing appropriate referrals to be made.

Year 1

Health appraisal if not previously performed. Vision and Hearing.

Year 6


Referrals for health issues can be made by parents or teachers at any time.

It is advised that immunisations be kept up to date. If your child has recently started school could you please take special note and fill in the immunisation information on the school health card. With completed cards your child’s developmental and immunisation needs can be observed.


School Psychologist

A School Psychologist is available at our school to assist children with learning difficulties or behaviour problems. The Psychologist is at the school on a Tuesday and Friday each week.

Referrals to the local School Psychologist are made in consultation with parents and a collaborative problem solving approach is used in monitoring and improving student performance when concerns are identified.

Kids Art Fundraiser

Kids Art Fundraiser

The Kids’ Art Fundraiser is underway with the new online ordering system.

All artwork from students at Mindarie Primary School is now online in our own secure school link. The ordering system is now ready for all orders to be placed.

Ordering is very simple.

1 – Go to this link:
2 – Search for your child in the “Artist search” box
3 – Your child’s art will come up for you to view and place your order.

Ordering for free delivery to school runs until Friday, 18th November. After that you can still place orders or re-order but postage will be paid and it delivered to you.

The popular products will be available: phone and iPad covers, greeting cards, calendars and more.

We encourage everyone to get on board and support the P&C with this fundraising venture.