Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Please take the time to update yourself with the following information with regard to COVID-19 Virus.
School Office Hours and Communication
Our reception office hours are from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm. If you wish to notify absences, please do so via our school email: [email protected] or via the absent student notification link on our website.
Work for Students Who Are Absent
Please be advised that students can do the following if they are not attending school:
- Reading Eggs (K-3)
- Reading Eggspress (4-6)
- Matific (PP – 6)
- Literacy Pro (3 – 6)
- Daily reading at home
- Keep a daily journal
- Mindfulness using Smiling Minds
- Daily fitness
Library Books
As per Australian Literacy Educators Association, all Library books are being quarantined for one week from when they are returned. Home reading books in Pre-Primary to Year 3 will no longer be distributed to students. Please continue to read books available online through the Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress platforms.
Uniform Shop
To reduce the amount of money handling and to promote social distancing, the uniform shop at Mindarie Primary School is now closed for face to face transactions until further notice. Parents may still purchase uniforms online through and uniforms will be delivered to the school office for collection.
Outside of School Hours
Students are not to arrive at school before 8:15am unless attending Senior Choir.
Children are to be picked up at 2.45pm unless attending before / after school care. This is a matter of safety and security.
Children are not permitted to play on any of the school play equipment before and after school. This is a current procedure and will now be reinforced by staff through a daily reminder on the PA at 2:50pm.
Healthy Habits
Staff have been asked to remind students of ongoing Healthy Habits, including the following updated adjustments;
- All caregivers are to drop students at the classroom doors and not come into the classrooms. We truly appreciate the response to the implementation of this action today.
- The segregation of play areas will change for next week.
- At the beginning of Friday Sports there will be no initial meetings prior to the students going to sports. Teachers will group students and just take them to the sports area designated to them.
- Junior choir will be split in two and taken in the undercover area.
- Senior choir taken in the undercover area.
- Crown rehearsal will be taken in the undercover area.
- Achievement certificates will still be given each fortnight. These will be read out on Thursday, over the PA. A photo of all of the recipients will be included in the newsletter, therefore, publicly celebrating student’s achievement.
School Events and Operation
The following events have been postponed, a new date will be set when we have more information. If you have paid, you may contact the school for a refund.
- Zoo Excursion
- Ninja Warrior
- Fathering Project Camp Out
- Mindarie Primary School P&C AGM
- Friday Playgroup
- School Student Banking
The following events have been cancelled, a new date will not be set.
- Boys Cricket Cup
- Summer Sports Carnival
- Easter Bonnet Parade
- Girls Glory Cup
- Wednesday Icy Poles
- All School Assemblies
Today, we had 143 students who were not at school. Whilst a large proportion of those who were not at school were legitimately sick, we did not hear from a large number of families.
As directed by the Department of Education, students whose parents have chosen to keep them home, without seeking medical advice, will not be provided curriculum work and activities. The priority for staff is to maintain focus on classroom learning programs. In the event of a temporary school closure, further advice will be provided.
If you are self-isolating due to acknowledged and identified risk factors by the Department of Health, or any family members who have been directed by the Health Department to self-isolate, please keep your child off and advise the school office via email, Connect or the absentee notification link.
Please keep sick children who are genuinely sick at home. Children with bad coughs, sore throats, sneezing and so forth. This will reduce the work load and stress levels of all at school. Please advise the school office via email, Connect or the absentee notification link.
Thank you in advance for your support. If you wish to discuss any of the above, please phone the school. Please be assured that we will provide you with updates as we are provided with them.
Kind regards
Barbara Bromley
March 19 2020COVID