
All children belong to one of four factions, all family members will be in the same faction.


When representing their factions, children can wear their faction-coloured shirt.


Each classroom teacher has their own policy regarding homework in line with the school’s expectations. Homework focuses on the revision of concepts covered in class or the reinforcement of work already completed.

There may be times when your child will require assistance, however they should be able to complete most tasks independently.

Nightly reading is our main focus here at Mindarie.

If you have any queries regarding homework please arrange a time to speak with the teacher.

Kiss ‘N’ Drive

Mindarie Primary School students are encouraged to either walk or ride their bikes to school – especially those in years 3 and up.

If, however, that is not feasible, students should be set down and picked up in the designated and marked area in Abbeville Circle near the corner of Rothesay Heights. In 2012, the P&C Assocation RoadWise committee and the City of Wanneroo had the Kiss and Drive bays extended to allow for more families to make use of them.

While in the Kiss and Drive area, drivers should remain in their vehicle with the engine still running. Please note this is NOT a Parking Area.

If your child is not at the Kiss and Drive waiting for you, please continue around the block allowing other parents to pick up their children who are waiting.

The school’s car parks at the front and rear of the school ARE NOT to be used for setting down or collecting children for obvious safety reasons.

Library Bags

Each child is expected to bring to school a bag in which library books may be carried home. The popular size for these bags is 35 cm x 45 cm with a handle or a drawstring.

Library books may not be taken home without some sort of protection. Children will be notified of their library borrowing day. Bags are required for the protection of library and reading books.

Children will not be allowed to borrow school books without this protection.

Lost Property and Clothing

There are LOST PROPERTY bins in each teaching block.

Children are encouraged to be responsible with belongings but named articles will be returned to owners.

Please name all articles clearly. Items not claimed at the end of each term will be forwarded to charity.

Lunch Arrangements. Leaving School Grounds

To ensure that students eat their lunches before becoming involved in other activities, duty teachers supervise designated areas near their teaching blocks for a fifteen minute lunch eating period when all children are required to be seated.

Students may not leave school without permission.