Student Health
From time to time members of the School Health Service carry out checks and examinations on children.
Accidents to Children
Minor injuries or illness during the day are normally attended to at school. In more serious situations, every endeavour is made to contact the parent(s) to arrange for the child to be collected from school. In extreme emergencies the child may be taken to a doctor or hospital. Therefore it is most important that parents ensure that EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS are kept up to date.
Medical Action Plan
In cases where a student has a medical condition, a Medical Action Plan, (available from the office) must be completed by the parent.
On enrolment, all immunisation records must be provided to the school. Children without measles immunisation will be excluded from school during a measles outbreak.
We have limited facilities for treating illnesses at school. For the safety and health of your child, other students and staff, parents are asked not to send unwell children to school. When children do become ill at school every effort will be made to contact the parents or the emergency contact person to have the child picked up. We would appreciate prompt collection of your child in these circumstances. In extreme cases an ambulance may be called at the school’s discretion.
We are not permitted to dispense tablets or medicines to children without written parental permission and we strongly encourage self-medication wherever feasible. The Department has clear guidelines in this area and parents are required to fill in documentation relating to medication that students need to take while at school. Depending on the medication, this may include the provision of information from your doctor. Please check at the office for more details. All prescription medications must be kept by the teacher to ensure it is not taken incorrectly or by another student. A Medication Administration form must be completed by the parent.
First Aid
Staff expertise limits provision of assistance to students to basic first aid. The general procedure is to assist a child to become comfortable, treat the injury and wherever possible return to class. Where the injury or illness is deemed to be beyond minor first aid, parents’ emergency contacts will be contacted at home or at work.
Whenever there is any doubt at all, the problem is referred to the parents to make their decisions on the medical treatment required by their child.
Syringes and Needles
In the event of a student finding a syringe on school property or on the way to or from school the student should inform administration. Under no circumstances is the child to pick up or dispose of a syringe or needle. Specific arrangements are in place to attend to such an occurrence.
Communicable/Infectious Diseases
Sometimes children are sent to school when they are unwell. Teachers who are concerned as to the general well-being of a student will confer with administration staff.
The following Infectious Diseases summary and directions set down by the Health Department is provided for your information.
- Chicken Pox : Exclude from school until recovered or until at least 5 days after the first eruption appears. Some remaining scabs are not an indication for continued exclusion.
- Conjunctivitis : Exclude from school until discharge from the eyes has ceased and treatment has commenced.
- Diarrhoea : Exclude while diarrhoea is present.
- German Measles (Rubella) : Exclude from school. Re-admit on recovery or at least 4 days after the onset of the rash.
- Glandular Fever : Exclude while symptoms remain.
- Head Lice : Exclude until effective treatment has been instituted and nits removed from hair. Family contacts will probably be infested and should be treated. Other close contacts should be checked regularly for infestation.
- Hepatitis A : Exclude from school. Re-admit on medical certificate of recovery or on subsidence of symptoms, but not before 7 days after onset of jaundice.
- Herpes: (Cold Sores) Exclude from school until effective treatment (including proper use of occlusive dressings) has been instituted.
- Measles : Exclude, re-admit on medical certificate of recovery, or 7 days after appearance of the rash, if well (all children should be immunised against measles). Non-immunised contacts should be excluded for 13 days after the appearance of rash in the last case identified in the school, unless contact was immunised within 72 hours of first exposure. Parents are asked to notify the school immediately a diagnosis is confirmed by their family doctor.
- Mumps : Exclude from school for at least 9 days after the onset of symptoms.
- Ringworms : Exclude from school until after treatment has commenced.
- Scabies : Exclude from school until effective treatment has been instituted. Family contacts will probably be infected and should be treated accordingly.
- Streptococcal Infections Including scarlet fever. Exclude, re-admit on medical certificate or recovery.
- Trachoma : Exclude from school until effective treatment has been instituted.
- Whooping cough (Pertussis) : Exclude from school for two weeks from the onset of illness or 5 days after starting antibiotic treatment.