To recap the above table:All Other Suburbs: Library Block
Quinns Residents: Block 2 Wet Area
Clarkson Residents: Block 1 Wet Area
Mindarie Residents: Staff Room
To ensure we abide by physical distancing requirements:
- Only have one family member attend the school to collect your family bag.
- Do not arrive prior to 10.00am on Wednesday and prior to 9.00am on Thursday.
- Abide by the social distancing requirements, 1.5 meters apart at all times.
- Abide by directions of staff in relation to how many people can be in the collection area at any given time.
- Only remain on the school grounds for as long as it takes you to collect the bag.
This week teachers have been working on ‘Must Do’ lessons and preparing a ‘Can Do’ activity pack. These are explained in the Distant Learning Parent Guide.
The ‘Must Do’ lessons are year level specific. During their planning, teachers have been ensuring that they are planning for differentiation so that students who require more support can access the learning at their level. They have likewise planned for students who require extension to also be able to do this. The teacher, at this point, have planned for two weeks of Distant Learning and once we commence delivering this, we will be reviewing how the program is progressing. We envisage that we will be modifying the program and delivery over the period that we stay delivering Distant Learning.
We think it is really important that, during these chaotic times, we keep in touch with our important school traditions, as such Miss Szczygiel has been working hard to produce a digital ANZAC Service. This will be available on our website on Thursday afternoon, which is of course when we would have held our service. Mrs MacLean is keen for our Senior Choir students to be part of this digital service, and has emailed, via Connect, all of these students. Parents, can you please encourage your children to read this email and to get involved. I’m sure that you will find the service very moving and that in future years it will become part of the ‘history’ that this time has brought to us all.
Please stay safe.
Kind regards
Barbara Bromley
07 April 2020