Dear Parents and Caregivers,

It is amazing how the school community has rallied together this week to support each other though the unknown. Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with today’s communication.

School Office Hours and Communication

As you would be aware, there is a massive shortage of sanitizing products available due to hoarding within the community. If you are able to donate any hand sanitiser, bacterial wipes or liquid hand soap, please drop them off at the front office. This would be much appreciated.

Parent Contact Details

Please ensure that we have your correct contact details. If these have changed, please ensure that you complete the Update to Contact Details note that was sent home a few weeks ago, or, you may respond to this email with updated contact numbers and contact information.

Birthday Celebrations

Food prepared at home will not be distributed at school. We encourage you to send wrapped confectionary treats, such as Freddo Frogs, for any birthday celebrations that may be occurring.

Outside of School Hours

Students are not to arrive at school before 8:15am unless attending Senior Choir.

Children are to be picked up at 2.45pm unless attending before / after school care. This is a matter of safety and security.

Information from North Metropolitan Education Regional Office

Parents Registering for Home Education

In the current circumstances, it is timely to remind schools (and parents) about the formalities related to Home Education.

The three key messages are:

  1. Home education is a minimum 12-month commitment/program/cycle.
  2. Parents/carers need to formally register with the Department’s Regional Office in order to home educate their children. The parent then formally becomes a registered Home Educator.
  3. Once a parent/carer goes through the process of applying and being registered as a Home Educator their child(ren) is now longer enrolled at school. There is a formal transfer note.
For parents, when registering as the home educator for your child, it is vitally important to note the following key aspects of your role:
  • You are taking on the full responsibility for your child’s education including the planning, implementation, supervision and resourcing of the education program.
  • No work packs or programs are provided.
It is your responsibility to ensure your program is evaluated as per the requirements by
  • Contacting your home education moderator to schedule a timely evaluation meeting
  • Providing evidence of your child’s education program and educational progress (in accordance with WA Curriculum & Assessment Outline) at that meeting.
You are choosing to withdraw your child from a current school enrolment, which includes most supports available under the public school system. No formal accreditation of learning is available for home educated students. The role of the Department of Education is limited to:
  • Providing the home education registration
  • Providing a home education moderator to carry out a mandatory evaluation meeting within the first 12 weeks of registration, and then at least one successful evaluation every 12 months, to confirm ongoing registration.


Today, we had 163 students who were not at school. Whilst a large proportion of those who were not at school were legitimately sick, we did not hear from a large number of families.

As directed by the Department of Education, students whose parents have chosen to keep them home, without seeking medical advice, will not be provided curriculum work and activities. The priority for staff is to maintain focus on classroom learning programs. In the event of a temporary school closure, further advice will be provided.

If you are self-isolating due to acknowledged and identified risk factors by the Department of Health, or any family members who have been directed by the Health Department to self-isolate, please keep your child off and advise the school office via email, Connect or the absentee notification link.

Please keep sick children who are genuinely sick at home.  Children with bad coughs, sore throats, sneezing and so forth.  This will reduce the work load and stress levels of all at school. Please advise the school office via email, Connect or the absentee notification link.

Thank you in advance for your support. If you wish to discuss any of the above, please phone the school. Please be assured that we will provide you with updates as we are provided with them.

Kind regards

Barbara Bromley
March 20 2020