Each year selected students are invited to attend the PEAC (Primary Extension and Challenge) program.
The students are identified in Year 4 through PEAC testing done in Term 4 each year.
Students who participate in this program are provided with opportunities to enhance and extend their academic talents and interests.
Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) is a part-time withdrawal program for upper primary school Years 5-7 students.
Identified gifted and talented students are selected to participate in differentiated programs offered in a range of delivery modes.
Delivery modes include:
- PEAC centres based within a district centre or office with a series of specialist courses or programs;
- coordinator/s who establish courses in a range of schools and/or other sites and teachers are released to teach these;
- allocation to schools and multi-age programs operate within schools; online delivery of programs.
Programs focus on:
- Social interaction with gifted and talented peers;
- Intellectual rigour and challenge;
- Pursuit of excellence;
- Development of higher order process skills;
- In-depth investigations of real problems;
- Open-ended activities which encourage choice and negotiation;
- Opportunities to interact with practising experts;
- Students working at their own pace;
- Self/peer evaluation and reflection of performance.
For more information please contact Ms White, Associate Principal.