
In the interest of children’s safety parents are requested NOT to use the staff car parks for parking or dropping off and picking up of children.

Parents should park in the car park at Abbeville Oval or in the designated street parking.

Physical Education and Daily Fitness

All students from Years 1 – 6 participate in weekly Physical Education lessons provided by our specialist teacher. The emphasis of the program is the development of fundamental movement and game skills.

Each day classroom teachers take students out for fitness.

At the beginning of Term 1 our sports specialist has the children perform the ‘beep’ test and records their achievements.

In Term 3 the students in Year PP to Year 6 participate in the Faction Athletics Carnival which pits faction against faction. Top runners from the Faction Athletics Carnival go on to represent the school in the Interschool Athletics Carnival.

Students have opportunities to display their skills and talents through carnivals and interschool competitions.

Primary Extension and Challenge

Each year selected students are invited to attend the PEAC (Primary Extension and Challenge) program.

The students are identified in Year 4 through PEAC testing done in Term 4 each year.

Students who participate in this program are provided with opportunities to enhance and extend their academic talents and interests.

Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) is a part-time withdrawal program for upper primary school Years 5-7 students.

Identified gifted and talented students are selected to participate in differentiated programs offered in a range of delivery modes.

Delivery modes include:

  • PEAC centres based within a district centre or office with a series of specialist courses or programs;
  • coordinator/s who establish courses in a range of schools and/or other sites and teachers are released to teach these;
  • allocation to schools and multi-age programs operate within schools; online delivery of programs.

Programs focus on:

  • Social interaction with gifted and talented peers;
  • Intellectual rigour and challenge;
  • Pursuit of excellence;
  • Development of higher order process skills;
  • In-depth investigations of real problems;
  • Open-ended activities which encourage choice and negotiation;
  • Opportunities to interact with practising experts;
  • Students working at their own pace;
  • Self/peer evaluation and reflection of performance.

For more information please contact Ms White, Associate Principal.


A formal report is sent home at the end of each semester (end of Terms 2 and 4).

NAPLAN reports for Years 3 and 5 are sent home at the end of the year.

Other forms of reporting are used across the school. These include interviews, three way conferences and portfolios. Details and times are notified in the newsletters.