COVID-19 Update – 25/03/2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Critical Update
We are in a difficult position. As a school, we understand our responsibility on society with regard to the continued education of the children. We also have a significant responsibility on the care, safety, health and well-being of our staff and their families.
In line with State and Federal Social Distancing Recommendations, we have implemented new procedures:
Major Adjustments to School Drop Off and Pick Up
All school gates will be now opened at 8:25am and locked at 8:45am.
No parents will be permitted to enter school grounds to drop off or pick up students.
Children will be met at all school gates by a staff member and asked to go to their classes.
Kindy and PP students are to enter and exit via the stairs near the basketball courts where they will be met by teachers who will take children to classes.
Parents/ Caregivers of students in other year levels are to arrange with their child the specific gate that they are to enter and exit – reinforce this when you drop off your children.
Please allow safe social distancing of 1.5m while you are dropping off and picking up.
Front Administration/Office Procedures
All members of community to utilise all other forms of communication, that is email, phone and school website in order to limit the number of visitors to the front office.
The main gate will be shut, but not locked. If it is essential, you may enter to the office. If you must enter the front office, please abide by the social distancing laws.
iMaths Books
All iMaths books belonging to students who are remaining at home and have NOT been collected, will be left on a table outside the front office in year groups. This will start tomorrow, Thursday the 26th of March. Please come and collect after school between 3:00 and 3:30pm daily.
All iMaths books for students still attending at school will be sent home every day. Please bring it back each day your child returns to school.
Library Books/ Home Readers
Please return these to the boxes outside the front office gates.
Other Updates on COVID-19 for Today:
Thank you for your efforts with regard to informing the school office that your children are not attending. I need to reiterate that if you are ‘Self-Isolating’ your children, that you abide by the rules of ‘Self-Isolation’ and Social Distancing. Seeing the children out and about, at the shops and in groups outside of school, is disheartening. If you are yet to make the Self-Isolation decision, please advise us of this absence in advance and we can process this until the end of the term. Please do this via the school website:
- Where possible, students are to walk to school independently or be dropped off by car. As there are 50% less students here right now, the morning commute to school is much easier! We ask that students do not ride bikes or scooters. This is to reduce the number of children who need to enter a shared area, and reduce gathering at the bike racks at the beginning and end of the day.
Distance Learning at Mindarie Primary School
We are working very hard in this arena. Please see the update below for information.
It is imperative that parents and guardians inform the school if you are not sending children to school. On top of our already increased workload, our office staff have spent countless hours contacting parents to confirm the whereabouts of your children.
Please keep sick children who are genuinely sick at home. Children with bad coughs, sore throats, sneezing and so forth. This will reduce the work load and stress levels of all at school. Please advise the school office via email, Connect or the absentee notification link.
Thank you in advance for your support. If you wish to discuss any of the above, please phone the school. Please be assured that we will provide you with updates as we are provided with them.
Kind regards,
Barbara Bromley
March 25 2020